Post tagged: windows

Python GUI

After looking a multiple options of GUI programming under python I eventually settled for tkinter. The main reason was that tkinter is very ubiquitous and initially though the learning curve wuld have shorter as I was very used to GUI programming using TCL/TK. Turned out that what I known TCL/TK did not translate ...

Desktop Environments 2023

Around April 2023, I decided to look for a new Linux Desktop Environment for my personal void linux. So I tried these distros: lxqt: This is the one I eventually chose to switch to. I liked it that it was very small and light, and very modular, almost like a kit that you assemble yourself. Because I have thinking for some time that I would like to make my ...


The other day I found dvtm. Looking at it, it looks very nice. It appeals to me because I am particularly fond of text user interfaces. At the end I choose not to use it because: ...

Linux HDMI hotplug

Now in 2024 this is usually no longer needed. A more current solution is: The point of this article is to document I workaround that I came ...

Windows Account Lockouts

To prevent windows lockouts the following can be done: Delete Internet Explorer browsing history Run the following: Open Start --> Search filed--> Type in Run --> rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr --> Delete ...

3 Open Source Password Managers

Keep your data and accounts safe by using a secure open source password manager to store unique, complex passwords. Maintaining complex, unique passwords for each site and service you use is among the most common pieces of advice that security professionals provide to the public every year. Yet no matter how many times it is said, it seems like a week doesn't ...


Telegram is a messenger designed to overcome the limitations of other messengers like WhatsApp or similar ones. It is different and better than other messengers on more than one level. A few of the important features that make it stand out among other messengers are: ...

Fixed drive letters for removable USB sticks

If you use multiple USB drives, you've probably noticed that the drive letter can be different each time you plug one in. If you'd like to assign a static letter to a drive that's the same every time you plug it in, read on. Windows assigns drive letters to whatever type of drive is available. This can be annoying especially if you use backup tools or portable apps that prefer to have the same drive letter every time. ...

Windows administration from the command line

Windows system administration is very mouse driven and to reach all tools you need to browse through Windows explorer. If you are like me and prefer to log on a limited privilege account and use Runas to perform admin tasks, you can open these consoles with the .msc file names. Here is a list of admin tools with their .msc file names. domain.msc: AD Domains and Trusts ...

Running Windows on Linux for Free

Microsoft is now making available Windows VM image for testing Internet Explorer for free. You can find them at: Modern IE testing Currently the following versions are available: Windows XP Professional SP3 + IE 6 or 8 Windows Vista + IE 7 Windows 7 + IE 8, 9, 10 or 11 Windows 8 + IE 11 ...