Python development tips 2024
Local install packages Better debugging Built-in exceptions Adding site specific customizations Constants ...
Local install packages Better debugging Built-in exceptions Adding site specific customizations Constants ...
The other day, I had to update a VM configuration managed via libvirt from the command line. There are different ways to do this. The easiest probably is to use the virt-manager application and use the GUI to modify things. ... virt-manager screenshot ... ...
Introduction Method 1: Mounting /var/run/docker.sock docker.sock permission error ...
Pre-requisites Preparation Base infrastructure Notes ...
User configuration System-wide configuration Additional files References ...
After looking a multiple options of GUI programming under python I eventually settled for tkinter. The main reason was that tkinter is very ubiquitous and initially though the learning curve wuld have shorter as I was very used to GUI programming using TCL/TK. Turned out that what I known TCL/TK did not translate ...
Release new version (3.2.1) of NacoWiki. The following changes are included: Added document properties Added opts.yaml API improvements ...
This edition marks the migration of my Blog from Pelican to NacoWiki Albatros. This is a mostly transparent change. I wrote Albatros specifically to migrate this web site from Pelican to a php based markdown implementation. As such, it uses a slightly modified version of the Pelican theme. ...
This is a method to control start-up of applications in a Linux Desktop session that are run by a local default configuration, but can also be overriden by the user. This is unlike the /etc/xdg/autostart which is mostly under the control of the distro packager. Aslo unlike the /etc/X11/profile.d directory, this runs inside the Desktop Session. /etc/X11/profile.d gets started before the Desktop session is available. ...
A few months ago I extensibly modify picowiki and creeated NanoWiki. After using NanoWiki for a few months, the code became somewhat of an spaghetti mess. This has to do that picowiki was designed as a single file, single class application with Plugin extension. Since every change went to a single class this quickly became difficult to manage. Additionally, I realized that "NanoWiki" was not a very good name as this ...
This is intended as a quick reference and showcase. For more complete info, see John Gruber's original spec and the Github-flavored Markdown info page. Headers Source: ...
photoprism is a web based photo management application. From its website: PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web. It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way. You can run it at home, ...
In a previous article, I updated a supervisorui project to work for me. This updated version supervisorui-redone is essentially a PHP application which is a different approach from the original supervisorui project which was more of a JavaScript application with some helper functionality implemented in PHP. As such, I figured that I could probably fix the supervisorui code base ...
Currently I am using docker containers to deploy applications. A number of those containers make use of supervisord for managing processes. While supervisord itself comes with a UI, it is unhandy for me because each container is its own supervisord instance. So I was interested in some software that would let me manage multiple supervisord instances in a single page. Turns out that there ...
Flatpak is a utility for software deployment and package management for Linux. It is advertised as offering a sandbox environment in which users can run application software in isolation from the rest of the system. Flatpak was developed as part of the project and was originally called xdg-app. Snap vs Flatpak ...
Here we explain how to use XScreenSaver EXCELLENT screensaver hack collection with the MATE screensaver applet. Install xscreensaver and mate-screensaver On my linux distribution this creates the following directories: ...
In 15 minutes, you can develop a virtual reality application and run it in a web browser, on a VR headset, or with Google Daydream. The key is A-Frame, an open source toolkit built by the Mozilla VR Team. Test It Open this link ...
Here are some resources dealling with ASCII art... AsciiToSVG - PHP code to convert ascii art into SVG. AsciiFlow - Web App implement an ascii art editor. ...
Set-up local.repo yum installs: nfs-utils autofs @x11 @xfce ...
Today I want to briefly write about kivy. kivy is an Python library intended for developing Mobile Apps. It is a cross-platform library that runs on Android, iOS, Linux, OS X and Windows. It is licensed under the MIT, so it is free and open source. Kivy is the main framework developed by the Kivy organisation, alongside with Python for Android, ...