Post tagged: javascript

Single Page Application

As the last post of the year, I am posting my attempt at a simple "Single Page Application". A single-page application (SPA) is a web application or website that interacts with the user by dynamically rewriting the current web page, instead of the default method of loading entire new pages. The goal is faster transitions that make the website feel more like a native app. ...

Comments enabled

Today I enabled comments on this blog. You need to have an github account in order to make comment. This is because the main audience for this blog is developers and this should cut down on the spam. Comments are stored GitHub Issues using the Utterances comments widget. I chose Utterances because: ...

SupervisorUI MF

In a previous article, I updated a supervisorui project to work for me. This updated version supervisorui-redone is essentially a PHP application which is a different approach from the original supervisorui project which was more of a JavaScript application with some helper functionality implemented in PHP. As such, I figured that I could probably fix the supervisorui code base ...

Supervisorui REDONE

Currently I am using docker containers to deploy applications. A number of those containers make use of supervisord for managing processes. While supervisord itself comes with a UI, it is unhandy for me because each container is its own supervisord instance. So I was interested in some software that would let me manage multiple supervisord instances in a single page. Turns out that there ...

Code Kingdoms

Code Kingdoms is targeted towards six- to 13-year olds and looks very much like your everyday puzzle adventure game. Choose an animal, walk around a kingdom saving animals through puzzles. The difference is most of the puzzles require kids to use code elements to solve the puzzles. At first this is through dragging-and-dropping code snippets, but as they progress, kids will be typing in code themselves. ...