DRBD Preload

This is a continuation to VM disk replication. One of the steps needed for VM disk replication is the need to pre-load the replicated volume. For the project I wrote, we had two mechanisms: ...

Alpine Boot

This is a quick note. In Alpine linux you can run start-up scripts by enabling the local service: rc-update add local default When this is enabled, it will run all executable scripts that end with .start on start-up and scripts that end with .stop on shutdown. ...


This year this Blog would have been up and running for 12 years! Happy new year sticker created by Icon home - Flaticon ...

Single Page Application

As the last post of the year, I am posting my attempt at a simple "Single Page Application". A single-page application (SPA) is a web application or website that interacts with the user by dynamically rewriting the current web page, instead of the default method of loading entire new pages. The goal is faster transitions that make the website feel more like a native app. ...

Fitbit reset

How to reset your Fibit Charge 5, 6 or Fitbit Luxe? You can reset your Fitbit Charge 5, Charge 6, or Fitbit Luxe in 2 ways: Soft reset: restart your Fitbit. You keep your data. ...

Comments enabled

Today I enabled comments on this blog. You need to have an github account in order to make comment. This is because the main audience for this blog is developers and this should cut down on the spam. Comments are stored GitHub Issues using the Utterances comments widget. I chose Utterances because: ...

Adding a serial port to a QNAP TS-251D

I am using a QNAP TS-251D NAS. Because I would like to switch from QTS to Alpine Linux I though it would be useful to enable the serial port. The TS-251D has a built-in serial port that is already enabled and only needs to be connected. For that you need a number of parts: ...