Post tagged: scripts

Alpine Boot

This is a quick note. In Alpine linux you can run start-up scripts by enabling the local service: rc-update add local default When this is enabled, it will run all executable scripts that end with .start on start-up and scripts that end with .stop on shutdown. ...

Python GUI

After looking a multiple options of GUI programming under python I eventually settled for tkinter. The main reason was that tkinter is very ubiquitous and initially though the learning curve wuld have shorter as I was very used to GUI programming using TCL/TK. Turned out that what I known TCL/TK did not translate ...


For years I have been using VNC for my remote desktop needs. This works usually well enough. The features that I like are: Basic set-up is easy Desktop sessions are persistent Can be used to view an actual desktop. ...

Meta Database

So I was looking for a way to version control database schemas, but I never found something that worked for me. I found all these options that never seem to match what I wanted: metabase dbv ...

Python Virtual Environments

This is the least you need to know to get to use a Python virtual environment. What is a Virtual Environment At its core, the main purpose of Python virtual environments is to create an isolated environment for Python projects. This means that each project can have its own dependencies, regardless of what ...

Ad-Hoc rsync daemons

The other day I needed to copy a bunch of files between to servers in my home network. Because of the volume I wanted to copy the files without having to go through ssh's encryption overhead. So I figured I could use netcat for the data transport. To do that I wrote these short scripts. Remote scripts ...

Archiving DVDs and CDs

Since now I have a Android TV I put away my HTPC and with that the capability to view DVDs or listen CDs directly. So I converted my entire CD and DVD library to media files and stored in my home NAS. Since we are talking hundreds of DVDs and CDs, I was using some tools. CD ripping For CD ripping, pretty much everything can be done with abcde. ...

Writing Safe Shell scripts

Writing shell scripts leaves a lot of room to make mistakes, in ways that will cause your scripts to break on certain input, or (if some input is untrusted) open up security vulnerabilities. Here are some tips on how to make your shell scripts safer. Don't The simplest step is to avoid using shell at all. Many higher-level languages are both easier to write the code in in the first place, and avoid some of the issues that shell ...

Wi-Fi Sd Cards

My latest weekend project. Making a normal digital camera WIFI enabled. With the Transcend Wi-Fi SD Card you can convert any digital camera into a Wi-Fi enable camera. What I did here is to set it up so that it would automatically upload photos whenever I turn the camera on while at home. The nice thing about this camera is that it runs a fully functional Linux environment within the card. The manufacturer was also nice enough to give you the opportunity to customize the card by running arbitrary shell scripts from the SD card itself. My code is in github. ...