Calculate system availability

To calculate the availability of redundant systems you can use this formula: total_avail = 1-(1 - single_avail) ^ (number_of_nodes) Nodes: ...

Ad-Hoc rsync daemons

The other day I needed to copy a bunch of files between to servers in my home network. Because of the volume I wanted to copy the files without having to go through ssh's encryption overhead. So I figured I could use netcat for the data transport. To do that I wrote these short scripts. Remote scripts ...

Resizing Virtual Disks with virsh

I am currently using libvirt for managing my VMs. For virtual discs I am using LVM2 volumes. On a regular basis I need to resize these virtual discs, but not that often that I can do this from memory. This is a short procedure to do this: ls -l /dev/vgX/lvX # note down the major/minor numbers for later lvextend -L +50G /dev/vgX/lvX # adding 50GB to this volume ...

Z-Wave Associations with With Vera UI

I couldn't find any to the point documentation on how to do this, so I am writing this. The way I understand Z-Wave associations work is that once devices are in the same Z-Wave network, a device can directly send a command to another device without intervention of the Hub or controller. ...

Encrypting FileSystem in Void Linux

The point of this recipe is to create a encrypted file sytem so that when the disc is disposed, it does not need to be securely erased. This is particularly important for SSD devices since because of block remapping (for wear levelling) data can't be overwritten consistently. The idea is that the boot/root filesystem containing the encryption ...

Installing Void Linux

I made the switch to void linux. Except for compatibility issues around glibc, it works quite well. Most compatibility I have worked around with a combination of Flatpaks, chroots and namespaces. The high lights of void linux: ...

Alpine on OTC

These are just random thoughts nothing really was implemented. Alpine Linux image preparation: jq and other deps to /apks/x86_64 ...

Windows Account Lockouts

To prevent windows lockouts the following can be done: Delete Internet Explorer browsing history Run the following: Open Start --> Search filed--> Type in Run --> rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr --> Delete ...

Skipping grep when using AWK

Over the years, We've seen many people use this pattern (filter-map): $ [data is generated] | grep something | awk '{print $2}' but it can be shortened to: $ [data is generated] | awk '/something/ {print $2}' You (probably) don't need grep Following this logic, you can replace a simple grep with: ...

Naming Schemes

This web site contains list of names of different topics. This can be used for naming schemes: Naming Schemes ...

Set your google account to automatically delete

Want to share your family photos after your death, but take your search history to the grave? All that and more is possible with Google's Inactive Account Manager. How You Can Control Your Information After Death It's not nice to think about, but one day, you will die, along with the keys to your online kingdom. And these days, those online accounts ...

HTML Entities

(remember the ampersand at the start and the semi-colon at the end of each "tag") | Á | Á | | á | á | | À | À | | Â | Â | | à | à | ...

3 Open Source Password Managers

Keep your data and accounts safe by using a secure open source password manager to store unique, complex passwords. Maintaining complex, unique passwords for each site and service you use is among the most common pieces of advice that security professionals provide to the public every year. Yet no matter how many times it is said, it seems like a week doesn't ...