nas ops cmd

This is my op script. This is stupidly simple script to elevate priviledges in order to manage NFS shares on my QNAP NAS. The idea is that NFS shares do squash-root so admin access is disallowed through NFS. This gives a convenient way to issue root level commands without using NFS but instead use ssh ...

Linux stuff

Sudoers Since sudo v1.9, it is possible to use the following statements: #includedir @includedir ...

Graphviz markdown extensions

I have enabled several extensions to my pelican website. One that I wanted to include was graphviz. So, I searched for one and while I found a few, they somehow, did not work for me. So I wrote my own: mdx_graphviz. It is quite straight forward. You just need to create blocks: dot { ...


The other day I found dvtm. Looking at it, it looks very nice. It appeals to me because I am particularly fond of text user interfaces. At the end I choose not to use it because: ...

Migration to Pelican

Finally got fedup with github pages and its jekyll static site generator. Essentially things would break without any particular reason and there would be nearly no way to tell what went wrong. I addition, it was not easy to test changes before making them public. So I switched to pelican, essentially because it was ...

Enable syslog with void

In void Linux, the default is without logging. Most cases it is OK for desktop use. If you want to enable syslog service in void, you need to install: socklog-void Also to let your user have access to the logs, use: ...

Stupid SSL tricks

Some hints and tips foor doing SSL related things: Netcat for SSL This command lets you connect to a SSL server (a-la netcat): cat request.txt | openssl s_client -connect server:443 Creating self-signed certificates This is a single command to generate a self-signed certificate: ...

Linux HDMI hotplug

Now in 2024 this is usually no longer needed. A more current solution is: The point of this article is to document I workaround that I came ...

Alpine Boot switcher

I boot from a USB boot drive using UEFI. Because of the UEFI boot, it just a matter of copying the files from the alpine ISO to a USB thumbdrive VFAT32 partition. Partition may be set to EFI (but this doesn't seem to be required). Since I would like to switch between different alpine versions, I wrote a script to let me have multiple alpine versions and ...

PulseAudio hints and tricks

PulseAudio is nowadays the default sound system in many Linux distributions. It lets you do a number of useful things. PulseAudio comes with a handy command line utility pacmd to do a number of things. pacmd commands ...

Getting the current proxy pac configuration

This is done using tcl for convenience. If you do not have it installed you can download freewrap executable and rename freewrap.exe to wish.exe or freewrapTCLSH.exe to tclsh.exe. Registry Key : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ REG_SZ AutoConfigURL = https://<your url>/proxy.pac ...

Definiton of maturity

Maturity is: The ability to stick with a job until it’s finished. The ability to do a job without being supervised. The ability to carry money without spending it. And the ability to bear an injustice without wanting to get even. ...

Python Virtual Environments

This is the least you need to know to get to use a Python virtual environment. What is a Virtual Environment At its core, the main purpose of Python virtual environments is to create an isolated environment for Python projects. This means that each project can have its own dependencies, regardless of what ...