Post tagged: directory

Windows administration from the command line

Windows system administration is very mouse driven and to reach all tools you need to browse through Windows explorer. If you are like me and prefer to log on a limited privilege account and use Runas to perform admin tasks, you can open these consoles with the .msc file names. Here is a list of admin tools with their .msc file names. domain.msc: AD Domains and Trusts ...

UNIX find with dates

-atime/-ctime/-mtime the last time a files's access time, file status and modification time, measured in days or minutes. Time interval in options -ctime, -mtime and -atime is an integer with optional sign. n: If the integer n does not have sign this means exactly n days ago, 0 means today. +n: if it has plus sing, then it means more then n days ago, or older then n, -n: if it has the minus sign, then it means less than n days ago (-n), or younger then n. It's evident that -1 and 0 are the same and both mean today. ...

Driving Continuous Integration from Git

Testing, code coverage, style enforcement are all check-in and merge requirements that can be automated and driven from Git. If you're among the rising number of Git users out there, you're in luck: You can automate pieces of your development workflow with Git hooks. Hooks are a native Git mechanism for firing off custom scripts before or after certain operations such as commit, merge, applypatch, ...

Yealink W52P

Yealink W52P So I was looking to replace my analog cordless phones mainly because I wanted to have a centralized way to maintain phonebooks. Right now I have two cordless phone that I have to manually enter phonebook entries on the two handsets independently. Initially I was thinking of getting small/cheap Android tablet and load it with a SIP soft phone. Trying with a couple of tablets I had was not very successful. On one hand my network topology did not work very well, on the other hand, the integration of the SIP soft phone with the directory and the other phone functions did not work as well as I expected. So when I came across the W52P, I was initially attracted to the low price. Grandstream had a cheaper phone, but it did not have remote phonebooks. After checking the documentation of the W52P, I confirmed that it did have a remote phonebook functionality. So bought it and tried it out. As a phone itself, it is about the same as the analog phones that it was replacing. The voice quality was pretty good. ...

Grandstream GXP1400

Grandstream GXP1400 The other day I replaced an analog phone with a Grandstream GXP1400 IP phone. I think it is a great value phone. It is one of the cheapest I could find yet supports all the features I was looking. Specifically I wanted a IP phone that could: Have a remote phone directory ...

Getting rid of DRM on e-books and videos

Instructions on how to remove DRM from E-Books and videos. How to Remove DRM from Ebooks (and Back Up Your Library Permanently) The easiest way to strip DRM from Kindle books (and Barnes and Noble, Adobe Digital Content, etc) is with the free ebook software Calibre, DRM removal plugins, and a copy of the Kindle desktop software (PC/Mac). These directions are for Kindle, but will work with Barnes and Noble, Adobe Digital Editions, and older formats. Here's what you need to do: Download Calibre, the the plugins, and the Kindle Desktop software. Unzip the contents of the plugin directory. ...

Automatically adding systems to an AD domain

When using virtualisation it is very common to create template VMs that can be cloned from. This makes deployment much easier than having to install a new VM from scratch. Unfortunately, the cloned VMs lack any Active Directory memberships and the VMs have to be manually added to the AD domain. For automated deployment scenarios this is less than desirable. This recipe intends to solve that issue in a ...