Co-existing GLIBC binaries with Void-Linux MUSL edition
I am running void-linux at home with musl
as the standard
C library.
While most things work well, there is a number of programs that
do not and must be using glibc
To enable this I followed this guide here: Live switching Void Linux from glibc to musl.
To set-up:
sudo mkdir -p /glibc
sudo env XBPS_ARCH=x86_64 xbps-install --repository= -r /glibc -S base-voidstrap
: yes, we need rootenv
: Needed because we are usingsudo
: architecture to use. Since we are using musl, we point to the glibc version. It should be possible to create a 32 bit root here.--repository=
: the repository to use. Feel free to replace to something closer.-r /glibc
: directory tree where the glibc executables will livebase-voidstrap
: unlikebase-system
, this meta-package is normally used for containers.
To keep this tree up to date:
sudo env XBPS_ARCH=x86_64 xbps-install --repository= -r /glibc -Su
To add software to the tree:
sudo env XBPS_ARCH=x86_64 xbps-install --repository= -r /glibc -S pkg
Once this is set-up you need a small program to kick off the glibc
executables. I copied this one:
To compile and install:
gcc -s -o glibc glibc.c
sudo cp glibc /usr/bin
sudo chown root:root /usr/bin/glibc
sudo chmod +sx /usr/bin/glibc
Then you can just run:
glibc cmd args
The following software I have found doesn't work well using musl
- Calibre
- building buildroot (Because of compilation of