Post tagged: wordpress

My WordPress plugins

For my own purposes I have written a number of WordPress plugins. S3Copy - Makes backup copies of your pictures to an S3 Compatible server. I use myself. It also mangles tags so files are server from the S3 bucket. wptools - A collection of WordPress related functionality. ...

wp-cron and cron

Normal WordPress operation has a cron like functionality that runs scheduled tasks as users visit the blog. It is possible to replace this with a standalone cron (like UNIX cron). To disable the "webcron" (i.e. trigerring tasks as URLs are visited) add to your wp-config.php the following: define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true); Then call this from cron: ...

Web Backups

As usual with any IT system backups are important. This does not change when using a free shared hosting provider. Because it is free, one would argue it is even more important. For my wordpress web site I used something called cli-exporter. It let's you create "Wordpress" export files from the command line so it can be run from cron. This is important because backups have to be automated. In addition to that, I copy the backup files to an off-site location. I do this by copying files using WebDAV to a storage provider. I did this by writing a simple script and using the PHP library SabreDAV which makes writing DAV clients quite easy. I myself don't mind using other people's Open Source code to do something. I was actually surprised that I was not able to find something that meet my criteria. However, thanks to the power of open source I was able to find something that fit the bill exactly. To make things more interesting, because I wanted to keep backup files as compressed Zip archives, my backup scripts did not work in one of the web hosts that I was using. They did not have the zip extensions enabled. This is surprising considering is quite standard. Luckily I was able to find a pure PHP library pclzip. ...

Wordpress links

This article describes how you creeate hyperlinks within Wordpress. There are a number of ways to do this, depending on the configuration and the types of data we are linking to. Linking Without Using Permalinks This actually works whether or not Permalinks are active. Using the numeric values found in the ID column of the Posts, Categories, and Pages Administration, you can create links as follows. Posts ...

On-line Web Authoring Resources

A collection of links for Web-Authoring. This focuses on using Web (HTML and CSS) technologies directly and not through a CMS like Wordpress. Free online tools, generators, services, scripts, tutorials. ...

First steps...

So finally took the time to re-launch the 0ink web site. This time used more off-the shelf software. So this site is just a another plain wordpress powered site. Actually I have to thank my son for introducing me to wordpress. What happened is that my son, who is only seven wanted to have his own web site. (Due to peer pressure, kids these days...) He has an Android tablet that he uses quite often. Since I knew that wordpress can be used to make decent looking web sites and there even was an Android app. Also knew that free **wordpress* hosting sites can easily be found... Make a story short, I set him up with a account and he was live on the 'Net in a matter of minutes. His website can be found here. This first foray got me intrigued, so I tested it on another free hosting site (here) and found it quite powerful so decided to use it for which seriously needed to move to a new host. The old hosting service 110mb had been taken over by a new management team and the new free hosting service was not as appealing as before. Add in a little bit of bit-rot and that site quickly became an ugly mess. So now we are back again, and hopefully will be more maintainable. ...