Looking up docker image tags

This recipe is to check the tags defined for a specific Docker image in docker.hub. The basic API is at https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2 So the format is as follows: https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2/repositories/{namespace}/{image}/tags/ Where: ...

Home Assistant Large Clock

This recipe is my version of providing a "large clock" face in the home assistant dashboard. Enable serving local static files: Create directory www in your config directory. Restart home assistant. ...


NanoWiki is a Wiki implementation based on picowiki. I have been using SimpleNote for a number of years. It works pretty well but somehow I was looking for: Ability to include and render nice asciiart pictures Organizes articles in a folder structure. ...


This is a tiny library to implement Web server embedded editor. You can find it in github. Can be used either from haserl or directly from a shell script. Features: ...

SupervisorUI MF

In a previous article, I updated a supervisorui project to work for me. This updated version supervisorui-redone is essentially a PHP application which is a different approach from the original supervisorui project which was more of a JavaScript application with some helper functionality implemented in PHP. As such, I figured that I could probably fix the supervisorui code base ...

Supervisorui REDONE

Currently I am using docker containers to deploy applications. A number of those containers make use of supervisord for managing processes. While supervisord itself comes with a UI, it is unhandy for me because each container is its own supervisord instance. So I was interested in some software that would let me manage multiple supervisord instances in a single page. Turns out that there ...

A couple of useful sites for development

Unicode Can be useful for looking up unicode code points. Particularly useful for looking up accented characters. Another interesting use is for UI graphics characters. Unicode search Another site to search for unicode characters. ...

Keyboard Mouse control

This comes in handy when working at a colo or someplace where you don't have a mouse and then find yourself needing to use X11. Press the following key combo: Ctrl-Shift-Numlock Now you can control the mouse pointer using the number pad. The key bindings are: ...


Flatpak is a utility for software deployment and package management for Linux. It is advertised as offering a sandbox environment in which users can run application software in isolation from the rest of the system. Flatpak was developed as part of the freedesktop.org project and was originally called xdg-app. Snap vs Flatpak ...

Meta Database

So I was looking for a way to version control database schemas, but I never found something that worked for me. I found all these options that never seem to match what I wanted: metabase dbv ...


This is my lnbin script. This is a program for managing symlink in a /usr/local/bin directory. It is similar to stow, lndir, cleanlinks and others. The approach used by lnbin is based on Stow, and it is to install each into its own tree, then use symbolic links to make its bin ...

Linux Icons

A quick note on how to add icons to menus in a Linux desktop. Create the icon image in: /usr/share/pixmaps. png and svg (and maybe others) are supported. 24x24 seems to be a good size for menus. ...