Post tagged: manager


Flatpak is a utility for software deployment and package management for Linux. It is advertised as offering a sandbox environment in which users can run application software in isolation from the rest of the system. Flatpak was developed as part of the project and was originally called xdg-app. Snap vs Flatpak ...

Python Virtual Environments

This is the least you need to know to get to use a Python virtual environment. What is a Virtual Environment At its core, the main purpose of Python virtual environments is to create an isolated environment for Python projects. This means that each project can have its own dependencies, regardless of what ...

Set your google account to automatically delete

Want to share your family photos after your death, but take your search history to the grave? All that and more is possible with Google's Inactive Account Manager. How You Can Control Your Information After Death It's not nice to think about, but one day, you will die, along with the keys to your online kingdom. And these days, those online accounts ...

3 Open Source Password Managers

Keep your data and accounts safe by using a secure open source password manager to store unique, complex passwords. Maintaining complex, unique passwords for each site and service you use is among the most common pieces of advice that security professionals provide to the public every year. Yet no matter how many times it is said, it seems like a week doesn't ...

Rollback with YUM History Command

From Server patching is one of the important task of Linux system administrator to make the system more stable and better performance. All the vendors used to release security/vulnerabilities patches very often, the affected package must be updated in order to limit any potential security risks. Yum (Yellowdog Update Modified) is RPM Package Management utility for CentOS and Red Hat systems, Yum history command allows administrator to rollback the system to a previous state but due to some limitations, rollbacks do not work in all situations, or The yum command may simply do nothing, or it may remove packages you do not expect. I advise you to take a full system backup prior to performing any update/upgrade is always recommended, and yum history is NOT meant to replace systems backups. This will help you to restore the system to previous state at any point of time. n some cases, the hosted applications might not work properly or through some error due to recent patch updates (It could be some library incompatibility or package upgrade), what will be the solution in this case? Get in touch with App Dev team and figure it out an issue creating library' and packages then do the rollback with help of yum history command. ...

manage busyness

Former United States President Dwight Eisenhower was responsible for putting together one of the most important yet fundamentally simple to understand concepts in time management. Eisenhower's Urgent/Important Principle is a tool to help decipher what tasks need to be addressed more immediately than others. Anyone who uses the principle will be better able to organize and orchestrate their ...

Windows administration from the command line

Windows system administration is very mouse driven and to reach all tools you need to browse through Windows explorer. If you are like me and prefer to log on a limited privilege account and use Runas to perform admin tasks, you can open these consoles with the .msc file names. Here is a list of admin tools with their .msc file names. domain.msc: AD Domains and Trusts ...

Alarm Notification

This tutorial describes how to use the alarm manager to set alarms and how to use the notification framework to display them. In short, the sequence goes like this: In an Activity AlarmManager.set is called with a PendingIntent containing a Uri. When the alarm goes off, the Uri is called triggering a BroadcastReceiver. In the BroadcastReceiver NotificationManager.notify is called with a PendingIntent. When the notification is clicked, the Activity in the PendingIntent is started. ...

Automatically adding systems to an AD domain

When using virtualisation it is very common to create template VMs that can be cloned from. This makes deployment much easier than having to install a new VM from scratch. Unfortunately, the cloned VMs lack any Active Directory memberships and the VMs have to be manually added to the AD domain. For automated deployment scenarios this is less than desirable. This recipe intends to solve that issue in a ...