Local Startup

This is a method to control start-up of applications in a Linux Desktop session that are run by a local default configuration, but can also be overriden by the user. This is unlike the /etc/xdg/autostart which is mostly under the control of the distro packager. Aslo unlike the /etc/X11/profile.d directory, this runs inside the Desktop Session. /etc/X11/profile.d gets started before the Desktop session is available. ...

Pulse Audio control in python

I have been using a shell script to toggle pulse audio sinks for some time. It worked well enough for switching output among several profiles on a single audio card. I recently upgraded my set-up to new hardware. This hardware for some reason, reported the analog stereo output and the digital HDMI output as different sound cards. So my patoggle script did not work well enough anymore. Since parsing the output of the pacmd in shell script was becoming a pain, I decided to re-write ...

Global hotkeys

To make it easier to switch desktop environment I am using a Desktop Environment independant hot keys configuration using xbindkeys. This lets me use the same keybindings on different Window managers and Desktop Environments. This code can be found in github. Included are the follwoing: ...


This is a small utility to manage a local printer(s) in a home office setting. It will show the state of the printer: accepting or rejecting jobs enable or disabled printing ...


Small recipes to tweak munin configurations. Overriding critical and warning levels In the node configuration enter: plugin.field_name.critical value plugin.field_name.warning value The plugin name can be found by clicking in the graph with the value ...

Desktop Environments 2023

Around April 2023, I decided to look for a new Linux Desktop Environment for my personal void linux. So I tried these distros: lxqt: This is the one I eventually chose to switch to. I liked it that it was very small and light, and very modular, almost like a kit that you assemble yourself. Because I have thinking for some time that I would like to make my ...


A few months ago I extensibly modify picowiki and creeated NanoWiki. After using NanoWiki for a few months, the code became somewhat of an spaghetti mess. This has to do that picowiki was designed as a single file, single class application with Plugin extension. Since every change went to a single class this quickly became difficult to manage. Additionally, I realized that "NanoWiki" was not a very good name as this ...

Home Assistant Wall Panel

For a while I was using TabletClock with old tablets. But this has not been updated in a while. I was thinking of writing my own version until I found WallPanel. Essentially it is purposely built web-browser with special features which makes it possible to use it to replaces TabletClock. Essentially, I could replace TabletClock with a web-page showing the time and a weather ...


For years I have been using VNC for my remote desktop needs. This works usually well enough. The features that I like are: Basic set-up is easy Desktop sessions are persistent Can be used to view an actual X11.org desktop. ...

Docker on Void

This is a quick recipe to run Docker on void: Make sure your system is up-to-date: sudo xbps-install -Syu ...

Home Assistant sensors

I finished migrating my VeraEdge to Home Assistant. I think after using it for some time, I find Home Assistant far superior to the VeraEdge in every way. So, I took the time to mostly standardise my sensors which make things simpler to manage/mantain. As such, essentially I am only using 4 types of sensors: ...