vr starting points
vr boilerplate threejs vr chrome experimets google cardboard google cardboard ...
vr boilerplate threejs vr chrome experimets google cardboard google cardboard ...
So I finally moved my WordPress web sites to OpenShift. OpenShift is a cloud based Platform-as-a-Service offering from RedHat. And while there is a learning curve I would say that so far it works great. My implementation is a fully cloud based solution. Makes use of the following services: GitHub for code hosting ...
Work improvements NFR Javascript single page application JS GUI ...
Cybernator Darius Twin Another World | Out of this World Front Mission Series Strike Gunner ...
Typescript voxeljs ige More powerful github web pages ...
Programming 2016 GWT and GWT on Mobile and Java servlets Generate Excel http://www.gwtproject.org/overview.html ...
During my last vacation I wanted to move how we manage our personal finances away from the ad-hoc spreadsheet that we had been using for the past few years. I envisioned something server side, so I wouldn't need to add software on my wife's computer. And initial quick run through of server side software did not yield anything that interested me. In general I could only find full accounting applications, which ...
So I finally tried my hand at 3D printing. Obviously I did not buy at 3D printer. These are either quite expensive or you need to assemble them yourself, which I don't think is in my capacity level. To get started, you first need a 3D model to print. There are several 3D models available in Thingieverse, however I actually wanted to make my own model. After all, that is the whole point of 3D printing. Custom made parts/objects that can be printed as needed. To create a 3D model you need some 3D modelling software. For my very first model I opted for TinkerCAD. This is software that runs on the cloud that lets you create your own 3D models. This is particularly interesting because you don't need to install anything on your computer and it would essentially run on anything where a web browser runs. For a web based application, it is quite responsive and feature-full. You can use (like me) a facebook account to sign-in. Models can then be downloaded as an ".stl" file (the format used by 3D printers) or send directly to 3D printing service such as 3D Hubs. 3D Hubs, is an online 3D Printing service which facilitates transactions betwen 3D Printer owners (Hubs) and people who want to make 3D prints. Printer owners can join the platform to offer 3D printing services while customers can locate printer owners to get their 3D models printed nearby. ...
THIS IS FOR ARCHIVAL PURPOSES. THIS IS OUT-OF-DATE backup OpenShift openshift getenv(USER) from OpenShift php ssh to {user}@{app-domain} gear snapshot > file Run gear app OpenShift migration further notes ...
Windows system administration is very mouse driven and to reach all tools you need to browse through Windows explorer. If you are like me and prefer to log on a limited privilege account and use Runas to perform admin tasks, you can open these consoles with the .msc file names. Here is a list of admin tools with their .msc file names. domain.msc: AD Domains and Trusts ...
This article goes over how to implement Single-Sign-On on Linux. It goes over the integration around the Kerberos service and the applications, like for example FireFox. Pre-requisites ...
Divide into Work : Only visible to company and clients Personal: Public/Private areas ...
This is a service that let's you get SSL certificates for HTTPS. These certificates are trusted by major browsers. See Let's Encrypt This is a barebones howto to get SSL certificates: git clone https://github.com/letsencrypt/letsencrypt cd letsencrypt This contains the client software for let's encrypt. ./letsencrypt-auto certonly --manual This will start by updating and getting any needed dependencies and then jump to a wizard like configuration to get this done. Follow the prompts and pay special attention on the prompt used to validate your domain. (You need to create a couple of folders and a file with the right content). Afterwards your certificates will be in: ...
So, after a long while, I wrote a new C language program. As usual, the same things that I dislike about C programming popped up, specifically the need for low level data structures and manual memory management. I did learn some new things: ...
VUE JS: Includes a Markdown editor example that allows edit with online preview next to it Embeddable JS Markdown editor : Has a button to preview Editors that edit in preview-like mode editor ...
key mappings look up and label default mappings ...
This post is just a simple hints-tips to get something going with FirewallD without going into too much detail. Checking if you are using firewalld: firewall-cmd --state ...
Thin Client project want to create a very low price thin client over Raspberry Pi board! Microsoft RDC, Citrix ICA, VMWare View, OpenNX & SPICE RPITC ...
raspberry pi shops NL based sos solutions hackerstore ...
As an old UNIX guy I have been using emacs for years. So in a way, I am very comfortable with using it and most of keyboard shortcuts. But, it really is an old animal and I have been thinking that I should be moving to a more modern replacement to it for quite ...