Post tagged: drive

Alpine Boot switcher

I boot from a USB boot drive using UEFI. Because of the UEFI boot, it just a matter of copying the files from the alpine ISO to a USB thumbdrive VFAT32 partition. Partition may be set to EFI (but this doesn't seem to be required). Since I would like to switch between different alpine versions, I wrote a script to let me have multiple alpine versions and ...

How to encrypt linux partitions with LUKS

There are plenty of reasons why people would need to encrypt a partition. Whether they're rooted it in privacy, security, or confidentiality, setting up a basic encrypted partition on a Linux system is fairly easy. This is especially true when using LUKS, since its functionality is built directly into the kernel. Installing Cryptsetup ...

Open Source Alternatives to Visio

Need to create diagrams, flowcharts, circuits, or other kinds of entity-relationship models? Microsoft Visio is without a doubt the best software for that, but that doesn't mean it's the best choice for you. Visio may be the industry standard in the corporate world, but it comes with a huge drawback: it's expensive ($299 for the standard ...

Fixed drive letters for removable USB sticks

If you use multiple USB drives, you've probably noticed that the drive letter can be different each time you plug one in. If you'd like to assign a static letter to a drive that's the same every time you plug it in, read on. Windows assigns drive letters to whatever type of drive is available. This can be annoying especially if you use backup tools or portable apps that prefer to have the same drive letter every time. ...

Resizing a Linux RAID

It is possible to migrate the whole array to larger drives (e.g. 250 GB to 1 TB) by replacing one by one. In the end the number of devices will be the same, the data will remain intact, and you will have more space available to you. Extending an existing RAID array In order to increase the usable size of the array, you must increase ...