First steps...
So finally took the time to re-launch the 0ink
web site. This time used more off-the shelf
software. So this site is just a another plain wordpress powered site.
Actually I have to thank my son for introducing me to wordpress.
What happened is that my son, who is only seven wanted to have his own web site. (Due to peer pressure, kids these days...)
He has an Android tablet that he uses quite often. Since I knew that wordpress can be
used to make decent looking web sites and there even was an Android app. Also knew that
free wordpress hosting sites can easily be found... Make a story short, I set him up with
a account and he was live on the 'Net in a matter
of minutes. His website can be found here. This first foray got
me intrigued, so I tested it on another free hosting site (here) and found it
quite powerful so decided to use it for
which seriously needed to move to a new host.
The old hosting service 110mb had been taken over by a new management team and the new free hosting service was not as appealing as before. Add in a little bit of bit-rot and that site quickly became an ugly mess. So now we are back again, and hopefully will be more maintainable.