Deploying Kerberos based SSO
This article goes over how to implement Single-Sign-On on Linux. It goes over the integration around the Kerberos service and the applications, like for example FireFox. Pre-requisites ...
This article goes over how to implement Single-Sign-On on Linux. It goes over the integration around the Kerberos service and the applications, like for example FireFox. Pre-requisites ...
This is a list of my favorite Android Apps: Essentials Barcode Scanner - Play Store F-Droid Ghost Commander - F-Droid F-Droid Alternative Application Manager. Usually Open source stuff with significantly less crap ware and ads. ...
So I have signed up to use the CloudFlare service. CloudFlare is a reverse proxy service that is supposed to speed up and improve web server security. This is done by: globally distributed reverse proxy cache network ...
So last weekend finally had some time to work with a Askozia Desktop Appliance. It actually arrived much earlier but without a Power Supply. Initially I though, "this is strange; I didn't know this supported PoE". (Power Over Ethernet). It turns out it didn't and there was a shipping mistake. After contacting the vendor, they sent me the required Power Supply. Overall I think the product is quite nice. It has a very nice User Interface that is quite easy to use. Simple configurations are indeed very easy to set-up. My feeling is that, as with any GUI, it usually trades user-friendly with expressiveness. So while I could configure most of the things I wanted from the UI, it did not support my home network topology fully. Initially, I had a DMZ vs Home-LAN configuration, with the Askozia box in the DMZ. Because the separation between the DMZ and the Home-LAN was through the router, it considered all the IP phones (in the Home-LAN) on the other side of the NAT, so things did not work properly. ...
Some useful tidbits to use when using the OpenWRT embedded web server (uHTTPD). Embedded Lua uHTTPd supports running Lua in-process, which can speed up Lua CGI scripts. It is unclear whether LuCI supports running in this embedded interpreter. LuCI seems to work fine (if not better) with the embedded ...
A bunch of recipes useful for an ArchLinux system environment. Mostly around system administration. Custom Repos and Packages In the repo directory, put all the packages in there. repo-add ./custom.db.tar.gz ./* ...
Sharing repositories Rewriting history Rolling back the last commit ...
Recipe for cleaning a google calendar. Sign in to Google Calendar Click on Calendar Settings (current version has this just above the list of personal calendars, under an arrow). Click on "Delete" of the main calendar. A confirmation dialog box appears telling you that that "This deletes all events on primary Calendar". ...