
Finding icons: iconfinder. In 2023 I am using: icons8 This allows to download icons in different formats, and also allows you to do tweaks such as: ...

On-line Web Authoring Resources

A collection of links for Web-Authoring. This focuses on using Web (HTML and CSS) technologies directly and not through a CMS like Wordpress. http://www.webestools.com/ Free online tools, generators, services, scripts, tutorials. ...

First steps...

So finally took the time to re-launch the 0ink web site. This time used more off-the shelf software. So this site is just a another plain wordpress powered site. Actually I have to thank my son for introducing me to wordpress. What happened is that my son, who is only seven wanted to have his own web site. (Due to peer pressure, kids these days...) He has an Android tablet that he uses quite often. Since I knew that wordpress can be ...

Local Perl packages

Determine what is the local PERL5LIB configuration: LIB=$( for d in `tr : ' ' <<<$PERL5LIB do if [ -w $d ] ; then echo $d ...

Linux Keyboard Tips

Miscellaneous hacks to use the keyboard under Linux. Special Characters on X11 The compose key, when pressed in sequence with other keys, produces a Unicode character. E.g., in most configurations pressing Compose e ``` produces é. Compose keys appeared on some computer keyboards decades ago, especially those produced by Sun Microsystems. However, ...

Bash Tips

Some bash one-liners: echo ${!X*} Will print all the names of variables whos name starts with X. To output the contents of a variable so it can be parsed by bash ...

Keep e-mail private

This is a handy tip. If you don't want to give out your real email address to register for a site and don't want to go through the hassle of creating a spam email address, just point your browser to Guerrilla Mail upon loading the page you'll have an automatically assigned email ...