Post tagged: service

Native Kerberos Authentication with SSH

This article is about integrating OpenSSH in a kerberos environment. Allthough OpenSSH can provide passwordless logins (through Public/Private keys), it is not a true SSO set-up. This article makes use of Kerberos TGT service to implement a true SSO configuration for OpenSSH. Pre-requisites First off, you'll need to make sure that the OpenSSH server's Kerberos configuration (in /etc/krb5.conf) is correct and works, and that the server's keytab (typically /etc/krb5.keytab) contains an entry for host/fqdn@REALM (case-sensitive). I won't go into details on how this is done again; instead, I'll refer you to any one of the recent Kerberos-related articles (like this one, this one, or even this one). Just be sure that you can issue a kinit -k host/fqdn@REALM and get back a Kerberos ticket without having specify a password. (This tells you that the keytab is working as expected.) ...

First steps...

So finally took the time to re-launch the 0ink web site. This time used more off-the shelf software. So this site is just a another plain wordpress powered site. Actually I have to thank my son for introducing me to wordpress. What happened is that my son, who is only seven wanted to have his own web site. (Due to peer pressure, kids these days...) He has an Android tablet that he uses quite often. Since I knew that wordpress can be ...