Post tagged: mouse

Desktop Environments 2023

Around April 2023, I decided to look for a new Linux Desktop Environment for my personal void linux. So I tried these distros: lxqt: This is the one I eventually chose to switch to. I liked it that it was very small and light, and very modular, almost like a kit that you assemble yourself. Because I have thinking for some time that I would like to make my ...

Keyboard Mouse control

This comes in handy when working at a colo or someplace where you don't have a mouse and then find yourself needing to use X11. Press the following key combo: Ctrl-Shift-Numlock Now you can control the mouse pointer using the number pad. The key bindings are: ...


The other day I found dvtm. Looking at it, it looks very nice. It appeals to me because I am particularly fond of text user interfaces. At the end I choose not to use it because: ...


Today I want to briefly write about kivy. kivy is an Python library intended for developing Mobile Apps. It is a cross-platform library that runs on Android, iOS, Linux, OS X and Windows. It is licensed under the MIT, so it is free and open source. Kivy is the main framework developed by the Kivy organisation, alongside with Python for Android, ...

Starting with 3D Printing

So I finally tried my hand at 3D printing. Obviously I did not buy at 3D printer. These are either quite expensive or you need to assemble them yourself, which I don't think is in my capacity level. To get started, you first need a 3D model to print. There are several 3D models available in Thingieverse, however I actually wanted to make my own model. After all, that is the whole point of 3D printing. Custom made parts/objects that can be printed as needed. To create a 3D model you need some 3D modelling software. For my very first model I opted for TinkerCAD. This is software that runs on the cloud that lets you create your own 3D models. This is particularly interesting because you don't need to install anything on your computer and it would essentially run on anything where a web browser runs. For a web based application, it is quite responsive and feature-full. You can use (like me) a facebook account to sign-in. Models can then be downloaded as an ".stl" file (the format used by 3D printers) or send directly to 3D printing service such as 3D Hubs. 3D Hubs, is an online 3D Printing service which facilitates transactions betwen 3D Printer owners (Hubs) and people who want to make 3D prints. Printer owners can join the platform to offer 3D printing services while customers can locate printer owners to get their 3D models printed nearby. ...

Windows administration from the command line

Windows system administration is very mouse driven and to reach all tools you need to browse through Windows explorer. If you are like me and prefer to log on a limited privilege account and use Runas to perform admin tasks, you can open these consoles with the .msc file names. Here is a list of admin tools with their .msc file names. domain.msc: AD Domains and Trusts ...