Articles posted on 2022

Linux Icons

A quick note on how to add icons to menus in a Linux desktop. Create the icon image in: /usr/share/pixmaps. png and svg (and maybe others) are supported. 24x24 seems to be a good size for menus. ...

nas ops cmd

This is my op script. This is stupidly simple script to elevate priviledges in order to manage NFS shares on my QNAP NAS. The idea is that NFS shares do squash-root so admin access is disallowed through NFS. This gives a convenient way to issue root level commands without using NFS but instead use ssh ...

Linux stuff

Sudoers Since sudo v1.9, it is possible to use the following statements: #includedir @includedir ...

Graphviz markdown extensions

I have enabled several extensions to my pelican website. One that I wanted to include was graphviz. So, I searched for one and while I found a few, they somehow, did not work for me. So I wrote my own: mdx_graphviz. It is quite straight forward. You just need to create blocks: dot { ...